- Go to Your Control Panel By Logging In.
- Go to Domain Hosting->Host a Domain
from this link you can select Hosting Package and then proceed.
- if you are a Reseller you need to Enter your Customer's User Name else if you are a Customer you will be redirected to Processing page.
- On Processing page you need to fill FTP User Name and Password Password must contain at least one Numeric, at least one Alphanumeric and at least one Character e.g(P@$$W0Rd). You can also Select Database from this page and proceed to Execution page.
- On Execution Page you need to make payment to host a domain after making payment you will be redirected to Success page.
- Note: You will be notify regarding you Domain Hosting Status by a mail from hosting Company.
Created On : |
Friday December 2010 21:40:34 |
Updated On : | Friday December 2010 22:15:59 |